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Abbey Office and Furniture Supplies Ireland Haggle - Product Price Negotiation - EM42440
EM42440 - COLOP S220/W Green Line Dial-A-Phrase Stamp GLS220W EM42440 - COLOP S220/W Green Line Dial-A-Phrase Stamp GLS220W
Colop S220/W Green Line self inking dial a phrase stamp made from recycled materials. Features 12 frequently used words - Air Mail Approved Cancelled Confidential Confirmation Copy Draft File Copy First Class Original Shred and Urgent.
€40.34 €17.77 + VAT
Haggle 1: Quantity Discount
If you would like to get a discount for a volume order, tell us how many of this item you would like to order, and we'll try to get a better price for you.

Haggle 2: Regular Item Discount
Please indicate how frequently (daily, weekly, monthly, ...) you intend to order this item, and we'll try to get a better price for you.

Haggle 3: You've Found a Better Price
If you can find a better price on a competitor's website (they must offer to deliver to the Republic of Ireland), give us the web address and we'll see if we can match (or better) the price.

Haggle 4: Make Me An Offer
This is your basic haggle. Simply tell us how much (in Euro) you are prepared to pay for this product, and we'll be in touch to talk about it!

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