SEN00352 - Epos Impact SC 60 USB MI Wired Binaural Headset with Easy Disconnect Black/Silver 1000551
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The Epos Impact SC 60 is an ultra-lightweight headset with comfortable ear pads and a simple quick-release mechanism for increased flexibility. Easy call handling via in-line call control makes this solution easy and convenient for your entire workforce. Featuring EPOS Voice Technology and EPOS ActiveGard Technology. Enjoy more natural-sounding conversations and great quality audio with headsets designed for enterprises introducing Unified Communications.

Key Features

  • Wired Binaural Headset
  • UC optimised, Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business Certified
  • Bendable boom arm for optimal microphone position all day long
  • Noise-cancelling microphone that filters out ambient noise
  • Simple quick-release mechanism for increased flexibility
  • Ultra-lightweight headset with comfortable ear pads
  • Easy to store and transport with protective carry pouch
  • EPOS Voice Technology
  • Protects your hearing from acoustic shock with EPOS ActiveGard Technology
  • Colour: Black/Silver

Product Details

  • Model: Impact
  • Colour: Black/Silver
  • Pack Weight (kg): 0.134
  • Pack Width (mm): 160
  • Pack Depth (mm): 175
  • Pack Height (mm): 60
[ Epos; Office Machines; Telephones; Headsets; VOW; OEM Code 1000551; EAN 05714708003526; VOW Code SEN00352 ]
Product Code: SEN00352
Pack Weight: 0.13 kg
Pack Dimensions (W×D×H): 160×175×60 mm
Brand: Epos
Manufacturer: VOW
Manufacturer Product Code: 1000551
Bar Code (EAN): 05714708003526
Delivery: Special Delivery Terms
€72.12 €63.89 plus VAT
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