Manufacturer: Colop
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EM00557 - COLOP Green Line Word Stamp PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL Red P20GLPRI
Colop Self-Inking Stamp Private/Confidential P20GLPRI. One ink pad will give thousands of sharp quality impressions. Made from a minimum of 65 percent recycled material. 38x14mm impression size. Ink pads are easily replaced.
EM00811 - COLOP Green Line Word Stamp COPY Blue (Impression size: 38x14mm) C144836COP
Colop Green Line self inking word stamp made from over 65 percent recycled materials. Gives a 38x14mm size imprint. Prints text in blue to highlight your message. Ink pad gives thousands of sharp impressions. COPY.
EM00813 - COLOP Green Line Word Stamp PAID Blue (Impression size: 38x14mm) C144836PAI
COLOP Green Line Word Stamp PAID Blue C144836PAI. Made from 65 percent recycled materials. stamp impression 38x14mm. Self inking. Blue ink.
EM00815 - COLOP Green Line Word Stamp FIRST CLASS Red C144837FIR
COLOP Green Line Word Stamp FIRST CLASS Red C144837FIR. Made from 65 percent recycled materials. stamp impression 38 x 14mm. Self inking. Red ink.
EM00817 - COLOP Green Line Word Stamp CHECKED Red C144837CHE
COLOP Green Line Word Stamp CHECKED Red C144837CHE. Made from 65 percent recycled materials. stamp impression 38x14mm. Self inking. Red ink.
EM00819 - COLOP Green Line Word Stamp DRAFT Blue (Impression size: 38x14mm) C144836DRA
COLOP Green Line Word Stamp DRAFT Blue C144836DRA. Made from 65 percent recycled materials. stamp impression 38x14mm. Self inking. Blue ink.
EM00821 - COLOP Green Line Word Stamp File COPY Red C144837FICO
COLOP Green Line Word Stamp FILE COPY Red C144837FICO. Made from 65 percent recycled materials. stamp impression 38x14mm. Self inking. Red ink.
EM00823 - COLOP Green Line Word Stamp ENTERED Blue C144836ENT
COLOP Green Line Word Stamp ENTERED Blue C144836ENT. Made from 65 percent recycled materials. stamp impression 38x14mm. Self inking. Blue ink.
EM00828 - COLOP Green Line Word Stamp APPROVED Red C144837APP
COLOP Green Line Word Stamp APPROVED Red C144837APP. Made from 65 percent recycled materials. stamp impression 38x14mm. Self inking. Red ink.
EM00834 - COLOP Green Line Word Stamp Account OVERDUE Red C144837ACC
Self inking rubber stamp made from 65 percent recycled materials. ACCOUNT OVERDUE printed in red. Size of imprint 38 x 14mm.
EM42395 - COLOP Green Line Word Stamp RECEIVED Red (Impression size: 38x14mm) GLP20REC
Colop Green Line self inking word stamp made from over 65 percent recycled materials. Gives a 38x14mm size imprint. Prints text in red to highlight your message. Ink pad gives thousands of sharp impressions. RECEIVED.
EM42396 - COLOP Green Line Word Stamp COPY Red GLP20COPY
Colop Green Line self inking word stamp made from over 65 percent recycled materials. Gives a 38x14mm size imprint. Prints text in red to highlight your message. Ink pad gives thousands of sharp impressions. COPY.
EM42397 - COLOP Green Line Word Stamp PAID Red GLP20PAID
Colop Green Line self inking word stamp made from over 65 percent recycled materials. Gives a 38x14mm size imprint. Prints text in red to highlight your message. Ink pad gives thousands of sharp impressions. PAID.
EM42398 - COLOP Green Line Word Stamp CONFIDENTIAL Red GLP20CONF
Colop Green Line self inking word stamp made from over 65 percent recycled materials. Gives a 38x14mm size imprint. Prints text in red to highlight your message. Ink pad gives thousands of sharp impressions. CONFIDENTIAL.
EM83541 - COLOP 6/4912/2 Replacement Ink Pad Blue/Red (2 Pack) 6/4912/2
Replacement ink pads for use in self inking stamps. Colour: Blue and red.
EM30456 - COLOP E/200/2 Replacement Ink Pad Blue/Red (Pack of 2) E/200/2
Colop E/200 two colour ink pad for use with the S260 DIY text date stamp EM30022. Colour Blue/Red.
EM43232 - COLOP E/4750 Replacement Ink Pad Blue/Red (2 Pack) E4750
Replacement ink pad for the COLOP Trodat 4750, 4750/L, and 4755 stamps. Two colour, water based ink. Provides thousands of impressions. Easy to fit. Ink colour: Blue/Red. Pack of 2.
EM00835 - COLOP EOS R17 COPY Pre-Inked Circular Stamp C109531COP
COLOP EOS R17 COPY Circular Stamp C109531COP. Ergonomic handle. 17mm diameter impression. Prints in red. Over 20000 impressions before re-inking required.
EM00836 - COLOP EOS R17 PAID Pre-Inked Circular Stamp C109531PAI
COLOP EOS R17 PAID Circular Stamp C109531PAI. Ergonomic handle. 17mm diameter impression. Prints in red. Over 20000 impressions before re-inking required.
EM42439 - COLOP S226 Green Line Numbering Stamp GLS226
Colop S226 Green Line self inking numberer made from over 80% recycled materials. Lightweight numbering stamp with 6 solid numbering bands from 0 - 9. Imprint size: 22x4mm.
EM37335 - Colop S126 Numberer 4mm Self Inking Stamp 104941
Colop S126 Numberer 4mm Self Inking Stamp 104941. 4mm 6 Band numbering stamp. Each band prints 0-9. Compact design. Self-inking - fitted with a replacable ink pad. Replacement ink pads available separately.
EM30116 - COLOP Self Inking Mini Text and Date Stamp RECEIVED S160L1
Colop S160L1 mini dater. Extra small self-inking text and date stamp.
EM30117 - COLOP Self Inking Mini Text and Date Stamp PAID S160L2
Colop S160L1 mini dater. Extra small self-inking text and date stamp.
EM42438 - COLOP S220 Green Line Date Stamp 15520050
Colop S220 Green Line 12 year date stamp. Self inking stamp made from over 80 percent recycled material. Imprint height: 4mm.